Contract number: NYDOP-1.3.1/C-09-2010-0004
Project title: Development of the ARVIT Service Park Entrepreneurial Incubator House in the vicinity of the Győr Industrial Park
Beneficiary: ARVIT-DEPO Ingatlanforgalmazó és Hasznosító Kft
Grant amount: 118 330 717 Ft

A section of over 0.5 hectares of the brownfield industrial site was assigned a new function in the vicinity of the Győr Industrial Park, allowing for the establishment of an entrepreneurial incubator house with a useful floor space of 1,663 m2 and with 1,411 m2 of floor space to let.
The objective of the current tender project: establishment of an entrepreneurial incubator house for micro and small enterprises in the vicinity of the Győr Industrial Park.
The incubator house to be established as part of the project is looking to involve micro and small enterprises in its incubation programme; businesses which have been in operation for less than three years, the activities of which are well-founded both professionally and on the market side or can be made such as a result of the incubation activity.

National Development Agency

West Transdanubian Regional Development Agency